Improve your posture, move better and more freely, and reduce pain

Many of us some from niggles, aches, pains, and injuries. Even when we don’t, we are aware that we have poor posture.

You might have to spend all day sitting at a desk or in a vehicle, which doesn’t help. You may also have medical condition that affects your posture and movement, and causes pain. Arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, and joint injuries are very common examples.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. You can build helpful habits that can strengthen your muscles, increase your flexibility, and improve your posture. And there are other lifestyle habits that can make a real difference to help improve your movement and decrease pain too - working on your sleep habits, managing stress and anxiety, and changing your diet can have a powerful impact, in some instances helping to eradicate problems completely.

Even long-term medical conditions can be managed through healthy habits to help improve your quality of life, keep your muscles and joints strong and supple, and enable you to do many of the things that you enjoy.

This page is dedicated to helping you to do all of this and more. Stand taller, move like you’re ten years younger, and enjoy your favourite things in life without the annoyance and tiredness that comes from constant background pain and discomfort.

So, let’s get started. Check out the videos and blogs below. To make sure you never miss a thing, sign up for the balance newsletter and follow me on Facebook.

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Here’s a selection of videos all about improving posture and movement, taken from my regular Facebook Live sessions and workshops.

First up, a three-part series on strengthening, stretching, and re-balancing your core muscles to improve your lower back posture and give you a strong, toned core in the process!

The next episode in my posture series, looking at improving your posture in your shoulders and upper back. Doing so can massively improve your shoulder mobility and strength, and reduce pain in your shoulder joints, neck, and upper spine too.

Here are a couple of other flexibility and posture-related workshops, one all about how to use a foam roller for maximum benefit and another focused on strengthening weak bum muscles, a very common issue for many of us.

And two specifically for you cyclists out there.


A selection of my blog articles on the subject.