Healthy habits that last

You can’t store health, fitness, or happiness. In the same way that you have to feed and water plants for them to continually survive, grow and thrive, you have to learn how to repeat the right habits to stay balanced.

It’s all about building sustainable habits into your lifestyle. I’ve spent many years and thousands of hours working with clients, honing the balance method to help you do just that.

The ‘think’ element of the balance method uses tools from the science of behaviour change, psychology and habit formation to help you make lasting changes.

Articles to help you find your balance

Below are some of my most recent balance blog articles on how you can form lasting habits, build a positive outlook, set powerful goals, overcome barriers, increase your resilience and lots more. All written to help you create the mindset needed to achieve the changes you want and make them stick.

Get more assistance for lasting behaviour change, including my regular Monday Mindset tips on Facebook, plus my weekly wellbeing newsletters.

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I signed up with balance because, for the past 5 years, I’ve been trying to lose weight and get in shape. I’ve tried shakes, soups, pills and points however I’ve never managed to stick to a plan.

Paul has helped me where nothing else has by breaking my goals down into specific areas, helping me to understand that thinking is just as important as diet and exercise and teaching me that, by making small changes, I can create a big difference.

The result is, although I don’t feel my lifestyle has changed much since beginning the programme, looking back I’ve made big improvements. Paul and balance have given me the tools and knowledge for me to achieve my goals!
— Robyn

More help to find your balance

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